Default Window Size Microsoft Word Mac

Good question. When you first get started with Word 2016, or if you never took the time to customize your Office apps, the program uses a boring set of font defaults. Thankfully, it's easy to modify and adjust them to find your ideal Word font settings and then save those settings as document defaults.

May 21, 2019  Every Word for Mac Window Opens Small by Keyman60 May 20, 2019 1:41PM PDT Recently, whenever I open a window, either new document or saved document, the window is minimized in the upper left corner. Jan 28, 2019 The default settings for a Word file is the size of an A4 sheet, which is the most commonly used size for printing when working on Microsoft. But sometimes, business and workplaces require other important sizes like legal papers, or letters, which can also be made on Microsoft Word. One of the nice things about the Mac is that when you double click on a file, it automatically opens in a default application. For example, double clicking on a Microsoft Word file should open. Mar 19, 2020  How do I fix the default window size for Word documents The way Word launches document windows confuses the heck out of me. When I first installed Word (2016 for Mac) it would bring up the document windows very small, so I always had to enlarge them.

Microsoft word default font

Here's how to change the default font, font style and font size in Word 2016 for Windows.

How do I change the default window-open size in Word for Mac (Office 365)? After changing the size of a window and then saving and closing it, whether by just closing the window or closing and quitting Word, the window reverts to a default size when re-opened. Dec 12, 2009  Can word remember the window size I like? Showing 1-27 of 27 messages. Can word remember the window size I like? John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer, McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd Sydney, Australia. Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410.

How to change your Word 2016 default font

Change Default Window Size Microsoft Word Mac

  1. Open Word.
  2. Open any document or create a new document. It doesn't matter which, but a document needs to be open to access the required menus.
  3. Click the Home tab in the top left corner.
  4. Under the Fonts block, click the expand button. It's a small arrow icon in the bottom right corner. This will open the Font settings window.

  5. Select your desired Font.
  6. Click Set as Default in the bottom left corner.

  7. Check All documents based on the Normal template.

  8. Click OK to confirm your changes.

All new Word documents will now use your font of choice by default.

How to change your Word 2016 default font style

  1. Open Word.
  2. Open any document or create a new document. It doesn't matter which, but a document needs to be open to access the required menus.
  3. Click the Home tab in the top left corner.
  4. Under the Fonts block, click the expand button. It's a small arrow icon in the bottom right corner. This will open the Font settings window.

  5. Select your desired Font style. Your choices are regular, italic, bold, or bold italic.
  6. Click Set as Default in the bottom left corner.

  7. Check All documents based on the Normal template.

  8. Click OK to confirm your changes.

All new Word documents will now use that new font style by default.

How to change your Word 2016 default font size

  1. Open Word.
  2. Open any document or create a new document. It doesn't matter which, but a document needs to be open to access the required menus.
  3. Click the Home tab in the top left corner.
  4. Select your desired Font Size.
  5. Click Set as Default in the bottom left corner.
  6. Check All documents based on the Normal template.
  7. Click OK to confirm your changes.

All new Word documents will now use that font size by default.

If you want to modify any of your font-default changes, just repeat the appropriate process listed above.

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Microsoft may have delayed Windows 10X and Surface Neo beyond 2020


Microsoft's upcoming Windows 10X and Surface Neo products may not be shipping in time for the holiday after all, according to a new report from ZDNet's Mary-Jo Foley. This means that other Windows 10X devices from third-party manufactures also won't be launching at the end of this year like originally planned. Microsoft's dual-screen Windows 10X effort has been put on pause.

In this article, there will be 2 different ways for you to change the default zoom level of your Word document to meet your specific need.

Generally, Word displays the document zoom level at 100%. This is a broadly accepted setting. However, situation varies from case to case. Let’s say, you have certain requirements for document font, such as the size, yet you just want things look bigger on your screen. Then altering the zoom level shall be helpful. Or sometimes due to different monitors, larger zoom level is required.

Now the question is how can we have a fixed zoom level at what we want for Word document instead of the default 100%? It will be much more convenient.

Below are 2 methods to accomplish this task.

Method 1: Modify Zoom Level for Future Documents

  1. Firstly, open Word to create a new document.
  2. Then click “View” tab.
  3. Next click “Zoom”.
  4. In “Zoom” dialog box open, you can either choose a value in “Zoom to” part or input a specific value in the “Percent” spin box.
  5. Lastly, click “OK”.

Here is the video:

Now, the zoom level of the document you just create will change to the value you choose, and so do all future documents.

Note: When you open Word next time, the default zoom level should be different. By the way, the documents you created before shall remain in the original default level.

Method 2: Change Zoom Level for Previous Documents

As we’ve mentioned above, method 1 only affect new files created after the setting. Then what about those previous documents? Method 2 is architecture to solve this problem. The solution is to use VBA codes to work the magic.

  1. To begin with, open an existing file.
  2. Then press “Alt+ F11” to open the VBA editor.
  3. In the VBA editor, click “ThisDocument” under “Normal” project on the left.
  4. Next, click “Insert”.
  5. Then choose to click “Module” on the list.
  6. Now double click the new module to open the editing area on the right side, and paste the following codes there:
  1. Lastly, click “Run”.

You can check the demonstration below:

Microsoft Windows For Mac Free

Note: The value “125” in the codes refers to the zoom level, so you can choose whatever number you like. Moreover, the setting will not change the default zoom level of future files.

Address Word File Corruption

For those of you who deal with office work, you are certainly familiar with Word. Yet, a great helper as Word can fail you out of the blue. Therefore to get an advanced damaged docx repair product should be on your to do list.

Author Introduction:

Default Window Size Microsoft Word Mac Free

Default Window Size Microsoft Word Mac

Vera Chen is a data recovery expert in DataNumen, Inc., which is the world leader in data recovery technologies, including corrupted xls file repair tool and pdf repair software products. For more information visit

Microsoft Word Default Window Size Mac
